February 1, 2014

What You Need to Know

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{ Medical Advise }

I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist, etc. I am a wife, mom, and a probation officer! I'm new to the "healthy eating" lifestyle, fitness, and still new at being a mom. ALWAYS consult a physician prior to beginning or changing your regiment regarding your eating habits, supplement changes, and any other changes that may affect your overall health.

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Any information or recipes I obtain from external websites will be appropriately linked in my posts. Photos are either mine, stock photos, or pictures I found on Google. I will attempt to link accordingly, but sometimes it is impossible to know the original source. If you are the owner of this information, please email me and let me know which post, photo, and provide a link to where you have the image, and I will absolutely give you the proper credit! I apologize in advance if I do not give you credit where credit is due, but I will absolutely try! Any photos that are on my Photography page, are taken by me, with my Nikon D3000 as a personal hobby. If you wish to use any of these photos for personal use, please contact me first. Any photos on my posts that are mine are taken with my iPhone for the purposes of this blog. If you would like to use these for personal use, please give credit where credit is due!

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Many posts, and my blog itself, contain affiliate links. Some are AdSense links from Google, with random ads that you may or may not be interested in. These are not necessarily products that I endorse or choose to advertise.

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Please note: I would NEVER recommend ANY products to you that I have not used myself. My goal is to help you find products you may not know about.

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Thank you all! 

Mama, Hold Me

"Mama, hold me." - My 2YO son

Of course, how can you say "no" to that, especially when you have a child as sweet and loving as mine. Confession: I rock my son to sleep. Every. Single. Night. Well, sometimes his dad does, or when he stays at nana/papa's or mawmaw/pawpaw's. But mostly, it's mama. And I wouldn't change it for ANYTHING. I have read every parenting blog, magazine, and book and at 6 months old, they all recommend teaching your child to put themselves to sleep. Why would I want to do that?

I am sick of the criticism I receive from other people who are, for one, NOT parents. Telling me that what I should and shouldn't do with MY child. 

My son goes, non-stop, from morning until night - maybe a small nap. Occasionally he stops and wants to cuddle while we watch TV or play on the nabi or my iPad. But it is short lived and he continues to run about and play with his toys. Ignoring mommy. My little boy used to LOVE to cuddle. That was before he had his own room and all the toys a two year old could ask for. 

Nighttime is MY time with him. We rock, read stories, and sing songs. This is my absolute favorite time of day. When he is ready, he will put himself to bed. Until then, I will continue to rock him. Every night I possibly can. One day, he won't want held, and I will miss it. 

So, if you have small children and you're contemplating sleep training. Here is my parenting advice... ROCK your babies while you can. :)