One day while I was at church, I was sitting in the small library contained in the foyer. We often sat back here while my son was too little to be in the congregation, and too attached to mama to be in the nursery. I was looking at the "new arrivals" section and the title DESPERATE caught my eye. I thought to myself, "Desperate"? Desperate for what? Then, the sub-title. "HOPE for the MOM who needs to breathe." This. This was me. I didn't opt to take the book home that day, thinking that I would not be looked at fondly if I took a book that cries out "I need help as a mom".
Fast forward about 8 months to January 2014. I was sitting at home, I had recently had surgery so I was off of work and had a ton of Amazon credits to spend. What was I going to buy? I began perusing through the books. I have been longing to get closer to God, as several years ago I questioned my faith and pushed Him away. My husband and I have a "good" relationship, but there are some times we are not so "good" together, or I feel like I am struggling to be a good wife. I am a "good" mother, my son is polite (most of the time), he says please and thank you, he tells you he loves you and gives the best hugs and kisses. He goes to Sunday School and church every Sunday -- with my in-laws, not me. How could I possibly be a wonderful mother and wife without Christ in my life? I couldn't be.
"Religious" and "motherhood" is what I began to search for. The second or third option that popped up was a book I had seen before. DESPERATE. I knew that God was laying this upon my heart, telling me READ THIS BOOK. I added it to my shopping cart immediately, and received it about a week ago.
I have been reading through this book, slowly, but I have been amazed at the writing. The way Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson make me feel. I don't feel.... lost. It is so comforting to know that I am not the only one struggling as a mother. It is comforting to know that I am actually experiencing what is "normal" for a mother to feel.
If you are a mother - whether you have adult children, wee-ones, or are expecting, this is the book you need to read. Whether you feel like you are struggling or not, READ IT.
Buy the Book: Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe
Buy the Book: Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe